Ella Hallpike, Youth Support Coordinator

“What inspires me the most is the level of resilience the young people and their families demonstrate, whilst being part of an amazing team.” Ella has a Level 6 Diploma in Careers Advice & Guidance, a PGCertificate in Child & Adolescent Mental Health, and a BA (hons) in Community & Youth Work Studies.

My role

Teenage Cancer Trust YSC

We provide a strong TYA service which includes supporting those who are in patients as well as out patients. This can range from providing social and emotional support, exploring employment, educational and training opportunities, social activity groups, signposting young people and their families to other specialist agencies in their local community, facilitating workshops within the hospital such as meditation and working in partnership with other health professionals such as the Physiotherapists to run exercise classes for the young people who are inpatients. 

My favourite part of the role is being able to use my creativity in developing the ideas the young people may have and also being able to support them and their family with their broader needs.

Nothing quite beats seeing the difference in a young person when undertaking fun activities and projects which make them laugh and provides a safe environment in which they can support one another in a group situation whilst learning new skills.

Another aspect of the job I love is being able to develop rapport with a young person on a one-to-one basis; sometimes just listening and talking through their needs can make all the difference. 

Why Teenage Cancer Trust matters

Teenage Cancer Trust makes it possible for the young people and their families to receive the necessary support, in a young person friendly environment within the hospital as well as an out patient, by providing positive opportunities for them to participate in activities and projects. This provides a distraction from their current treatments, and also assists in providing a platform for young people to be able to tell their stories of their experiences.