Story, photo and film consent form

By completing this form you’re providing consent for Teenage Cancer Trust and selected corporate and media partners to feature your story (including your written story, film, image, audio and/or recording) to promote our work supporting young people with cancer.

Story, photo and consent form
Use of your story
Please read through the following and tick all that apply to you
Are you under or over 18?
If you’re under 18, your parent or guardian needs to fill out the next section
Your details

Young person's details

This section needs to be filled out by parent/guardian

Your details

Your address
Click here to enter your address manually.
About your treatment

About their treatment

(for young people supported by Teenage Cancer Trust)

About your treatment

(for young people supported by Teenage Cancer Trust)
Parent/guardian details
Data protection and confidentiality statement
Teenage Cancer Trust respects your privacy and values the trust you place in us when giving personal information. We work within the guidelines of the Access to Health Records Act 1990 and the General Data Protection Regulation. The information you have provided will be kept by Teenage Cancer Trust and will be treated with the strictest of confidence. It will not be shared with a third party without your consent unless we have a statutory obligation to do so and there are concerns for your safety of which Teenage Cancer Trust has a duty to report this to the relevant authority in order for appropriate action to be taken. For more information on how we use your data see our Privacy Policy on our website.
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