Frequently asked questions

Here’s a list of frequently asked questions that might help answer a query you may have. If we still don’t answer your question, please do contact us.

I have raised some money for Teenage Cancer Trust. How can I pay it in?

Thank you so much for raising money for Teenage Cancer Trust. Your support will help us to ensure young people don’t face cancer alone. You can pay in the money you have raised in the following ways:

  • On our website
  • Bank transfer: Please call our Supporter Care team on 020 7612 0370, so we can provide you with our bank details and reference number to quote when making the transfer.
  • Over the phone: By calling our Supporter Care team on 020 7612 0370 and using your credit or debit card to pay
  • By setting up a fundraising page on JustGiving
  • By post: Please complete our ways to pay and sponsorship form and send it to: Freepost RUGC-XLJG-XTGJ Teenage Cancer Trust The Place 175 High Holborn London WC1V 7AA

Personal donations can be gift aided enabling Teenage Cancer Trust to claim a further 25p per £1 donated. Please download our Gift Aid declaration form (pdf), compete it and post it to us for us to claim Gift Aid on money you have paid in.

How much does it cost to keep the units running?

Currently all of the care and support for young people with cancer, and the education and awareness we provide costs just over £9 million per year.

But right now, we can’t reach every young person who needs our support. We’re working hard with our incredible supporters to make sure we can. 

I’m worried I might have cancer. What shall I do? I’m concerned that my doctor won’t take me seriously

If you are worried about your health, try not to keep it to yourself – talking to friends and family can really help.

So can talking to a professional – like your own doctor or a nurse at your school, university or a walk-in centre. For more information, please  look at our information about cancer section.  

Can you put me in touch with one of your celebrity supporters?

Whilst we do work very closely with a range of high profile people, this is purely on an ambassadorial level on behalf of Teenage Cancer Trust.

Unfortunately, we are unable to pass on individual requests from members of the general public.

How do you raise money and where does my donation go?

Teenage Cancer Trust relies wholly on public donations. We receive no government or NHS funding at all. It’s vital we invest in our future and make sure we can carry on doing what we do year after year. That’s the only way we’ll still be there for the 2,500 young people who’ll be told they have cancer next year, and every year after that.

The coronavirus pandemic made it much harder to raise vital funds as so many of our fundraising activities were severely impacted by lockdown and social distancing. During 2020 and beyond we have done all that we can to reduce costs and we have made use of the Government’s Job Retention Scheme (CJRS). Despite this, income fell by 21% (excluding income from the CJRS). For every £1 you donated, 69p was spent directly on delivering our services, while 31p is invested in the infrastructure of the charity and raising funds to ensure we don’t just survive to help the young people today, but we can continue to there for young people through the many difficult years ahead.

For a detailed breakdown, see how we raise and spend money.

How can I work for Teenage Cancer Trust?

I'd like to volunteer

Find out more about the latest volunteering opportunities and to sign up to volunteer with us.

Visiting our units

Unfortunately we are unable to organise visits to units in response to individual requests because of health and safety reasons and to avoid causing disruption to patients. 

You can see what our units look like and how we build them, in our unit pages.

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