Bristol Children's Hospital
Adolescent Ward 35 at Bristol Children’s Hospital is designed for 11-16 year olds and has two teenage and young adult in-patient beds, within a larger ward. All bedrooms are equipped with comfy and cosy soft furnishings, bespoke furniture, TV, DVD and gaming facilities. We also provide free Teenage Cancer Trust Wifi and laptops.
Teenage Cancer Trust funds three expert staff at the unit:
- Lead Nurse for the South West region
- Teenage and Young Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Youth Support Coordinator
They make sure each young person having treatment on our ward gets the best possible quality care and is treated as a young person first, cancer patient second.
We opened our unit on Ward 35 in March 2014, and later worked with Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Appeal to make the ward an even better place to be.
Support in the South West
Our two specialist facilities in the South West are based within the centre of excellence at Bristol. Some young people may choose to be treated in their local hospital, and we want to make sure that they can still receive the best support and clinical care possible.
From the centre of excellence in Bristol, the Teenage Cancer Trust Lead Nurse and team work with seven Teenage Cancer Trust Teenage and Young Adult Clinical Nurse Specialists based across the South West region. These Clinical Nurse Specialists are funded by Teenage Cancer Trust together with the local commissioners and local charities. They are all affiliated with Teenage Cancer Trust, providing professional support and training. They champion the needs of young people with cancer and provide specialist expertise and care in local hospitals across the region.
Facilities at Bristol Children’s Hospital
- Chill out room, gaming/TV room
- Parent kitchen and lounge
- A winter garden with jukebox
Year olds
dedicated teenage and young adult beds