Young person with cancer after losing their hair

Cancer changed my body, but I'm #StillMe

Cancer, and cancer treatment, can have a huge impact on what your body looks like and how it works. And when you’re young, that can be especially tough to deal with.

Cancer might change how you look, but it won’t change who you are.

Hair loss, weight changes, scarring – young people with cancer can face these worries about their body at a time when they’re still figuring out who they are and how they want the world to see them.

We’re here to support you while your relationship with your body changes. We want you to feel able to look in the mirror and say: ‘How I’m feeling is ok. I’m not alone. And I’m still me.’

Young people share how cancer changed their body and how they are dealing with it.

How does cancer change someone’s body?

Cancer, and the different treatments for cancer, can cause different changes in the body.

Not all people with cancer will see the same changes in their body. That’s because everyone’s diagnosis and treatment will be different.

The changes cancer can cause might be in the way someone’s body looks or works.

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